Thursday, March 14, 2013


I had the opportunity to go and talk about my business with the 7th Graders 
at West Point Jr. High the other day.  I demonstrated how to make boutonnieres, corsages,
and bouquets while the students asked me questions about my business.
As part of my demonstration, I put together this slideshow featuring 
flowers I've created!  The girls obviously loved it, and I even had a few
of the boys stop by my table!  It was a ton of fun.  Hope you enjoy the slideshow!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Syracuse High's 2013 Jr. Prom

Wow!  What a weekend!
I've never had this many orders at once for school dance flowers!
And it fell on the weekend of my anniversary!
Needless to say, I was hopping like crazy to get my orders filled!
Thanks to my husband and daughter for taking pictures, tying ribbon on
the corsage boxes, and delivering my orders!
It is always so fun to see how the corsages will turn out.
I have in my head what I want to do, but really, they take on a life
of their own once I start putting them together.
It's always very rewarding, especially when the kids come back and
 tell me how much they loved their flowers!

This is my cute niece Brinlee, and her date Colton!
They both ordered from me! They look great!

Keep those orders coming!I love doing this!