Sunday, September 18, 2016

Travis' and Kim's Wedding



I love autumn!  Wasn't sure how I felt adding blue to the orange and yellow tones,
but I thought it turned out really cute!  Perfect flowers for this cute couple!
Congratulations Travis and Kim!  What a great couple!

Homecoming 2016

What a weekend!  Two weddings and Homecoming!
And I figured out that I did flowers for five different schools!
It made for a couple of long days, but I sure love what I do!
Here's a sample from the thirty-one orders I filled.

Allen's and Marisa's Wedding


We're kicking off the Fall wedding season with sunflowers.   
Adding blue into the autumn color mix is a popular trend right now.
Hope the couple was happy with their flowers.
I wish them a very happy life together!
Congratulations Allen and Marisa!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Flowers for Aunt Leila

Did each of these arrangements for my Aunt Leila who recently passed away
at the age of 94.  I found out at her funeral that purple was her favorite color.
It just seemed to fit her!  She'll be missed.