Sunday, April 22, 2018

Justin's and Mary's Wedding

I am so happy for my niece, Mary, and her new hubby, Justin.
I loved doing these flowers for her.  The colors are so pretty together,
and Justin and Mary look great together, too!
When I delivered these flowers to Mary's parents a week before the wedding,
her dad tried to put the bouquet in a vase of water and 
asked me how they were going to last.
That just made me really smile!  He had to touch them a 
couple of times when my sister told him they were fake.
Congratulations to this beautiful couple!
Love you both!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Dominik's and Hailey's Wedding

These flowers just really make me happy!
And they fit perfectly with this adorable couple!
Congratulations Dom and Hailey.
So happy for you both!